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Prayerful dialogue in the Spirit of Synodality

Conversation in the Spirit Resource Toolkit

At the heart of our Year of the Holy Spirit has been a deep commitment to listening and discerning through the Conversation in the Spirit of prayer process.

Grounded in prayer, we gather to share openly and honestly, seeking to discern the inspirations, workings and promptings of the Holy Spirit as a faith community.

Together, we aim to build a culture of encounter, discipleship, and mission in the Archdiocese. The Conversation in the Spirit is an essential to realising these aspirations in our communities.

To support your communities in hosting a Conversation in the Spirit, download the Resource Toolkit available at the links below.


Download the Slide Deck that can be used in your community. This includes timer countdowns for each round of discussion, recorded worship from Archdiocesan music ministry – Cana – as well as placeholders for prayer and discussion.

Note: The links below are fully editable.


Download the Conversation in the Spirit Handout that can be used to guide your time of prayerful dialogue. This includes a scripture for reflection, overview of each stage of dialogue as well as detailed explanation on the back. 

Note: The scripture is editable.


We would greatly value your contributions to the broader discernment that is taking place across the Archdiocese. Please encourage those engaged in the Conversation in the Spirit to submit the fruit of their discernment at the ‘menti’ link below.

Note: These responses are anonymous and will support the preparations for the Assembly as well as identifying broader Pastoral priorities as an Archdiocese.

Discernment Tool

Download the Discernment Tool, used to identify convergences and divergences that emerge from the Conversation in the Spirit. This tool can help the facilitator of the Conversation to discern the themes, paths and practices that are the fruit of the discussion.

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